Mike Rogers Pledges $500 One-Day Match Donation to TAA Holiday Giving Campaign December 10th
Mike Rogers Pledges $500 One-Day Match Donation to TAA Holiday Giving Campaign December 10th

As part of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA)’s month-long Holiday Giving Campaign, Mike Rogers has pledged to match all donations up to $500 made to the TAA on Dec. 10, 2022. Rogers, well known for his in-depth knowledge of Thoroughbred racing both on the front and behind the scenes, continues to dedicate his personal and professional time to aftercare. “The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance is doing great work and I’m happy to do my small part in helping their mission,” said 1/ST RACING Executive Vice President and Maryland Jockey Club Acting President and General Manager, Mike Rogers. “Our industry would be nothing without these horses, who all should have the opportunity to live long, happy lives after racing. Thank you, TAA, for providing an industry-united aftercare mechanism devoted to our retired equine athletes.” “This holiday season, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance is excited to shine a light for our 81 accredited groups,” said TAA President, Jeffrey Bloom. “Mike is always ready to lend a hand in support of the TAA and we are thrilled to have him as this Saturday’s match donor.” TAA’s Holiday Giving Campaign commenced November 29th and is scheduled to conclude New Year’s Eve. Those wishing to support the TAA, its 81 accredited organizations, and thousands of retired Thoroughbreds can donate through the TAA’s website or text DONATE to 56651. During the Holiday Giving Campaign, TAA is also offering donors the benefit of sending digital holiday cards to colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Throughout the end of the year, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance will continue to host special one-day only donation matches with some of horse racing’s biggest names. For more chances to double your donation, watch the TAA’s social media, website, and industry advertisements for the next Holiday Giving match day announcement. To learn more and donate to the TAA’s Holiday Giving campaign, CLICK HERE.

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Donna Brothers Pledges $2,500 One-Day Match Donation  to TAA Holiday Giving Campaign December 9th
Donna Brothers Pledges $2,500 One-Day Match Donation to TAA Holiday Giving Campaign December 9th

As part of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA)’s month-long Holiday Giving Campaign, Donna Brothers has pledged to match all donations up to $2,500 made to the TAA on Dec. 9, 2022. Born with racing in her blood, Donna’s professional resume doesn’t stop at the track; she continues to shine a light on Thoroughbred aftercare. “At the end of the day, our industry will be judged by how well we take care of our athletes,” said former jockey, author, and reporter for NBC Sports, Donna Brothers. “Not only while they are racing and ‘useful’ to us, but especially when they are most vulnerable: at the end of their racing careers. Many of these horses makes thousands of dollars at the track, some make millions, but the reality is, they don’t really get a dime. Let’s make sure they’re taken care of. “The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance is the only organization that both accredits aftercare organizations and raises money to fund them. Please join me in supporting our athletes.” “Donna is unceasing in her efforts to support the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and is always ready to participate in new fundraisers,” said TAA Operations Consultant, Stacie Clark Rogers. “We are so excited that Donna is pledging to match all donations today and to help the TAA not only raise funds for our accredited groups but raise awareness for the outstanding work they do.” In addition to her $2,500 match donation, Brothers also donates 100% of the proceeds from her book “Inside Track: Inside Guide to Horse Racing” to the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance. TAA’s Holiday Giving Campaign commenced November 29th and is scheduled to conclude New Year’s Eve. Those wishing to support the TAA, its 81 accredited organizations, and thousands of retired Thoroughbreds can donate through the TAA’s website or text DONATE to 56651. During the Holiday Giving Campaign, TAA is also offering donors the benefit of sending digital holiday cards to colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Throughout the end of the year, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance will continue to host special one-day only donation matches with some of horse racing’s biggest names. For more chances to double your donation, watch the TAA’s social media, website, and industry advertisements for the next Holiday Giving match day announcement. To learn more and donate to the TAA’s Holiday Giving campaign, CLICK HERE.  

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Vindication Alley
Vindication Alley

After 12 starts in the States, the son of Flower Alley ran an additional 23 races at Camarero Race Track in Puerto Rico. In 2020, “Vinny” was able to return home to the mainland with the help of TAA-accredited Caribbean Thoroughbred Aftercare and the willingness of TAA-accredited aftercare charities in the U.S. to take in these horses upon their return.

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Hidden Brook Farm Pledges $1,000 One-Day Match Donation  to TAA Holiday Giving Campaign December 5th
Hidden Brook Farm Pledges $1,000 One-Day Match Donation to TAA Holiday Giving Campaign December 5th

As part of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA)’s month-long Holiday Giving Campaign, Hidden Brook Farm has pledged to match all donations up to $1,000 made to the TAA on Dec. 5, 2022. Not only does Hidden Brook dedicate a portion of its operation to caring for their retired Thoroughbreds— the breeding, racing, and sales enterprise continually participates in supporting industry aftercare initiatives, such as the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance. “As an industry, we cannot underscore the importance of the day-in and day-out efforts of the TAA,” said Hidden Brook Farm Partner, Jack Brothers. “Since their inception, they have effectively increased awareness for the need of aftercare and should be applauded for assuming the role of energetic ambassadors for positive reform and long-term responsibility.” “Hidden Brook Farm is fully invested in the Thoroughbred industry from start to finish and is dedicated to Thoroughbred welfare both on and off the track,” said TAA Funding and Events Manager, Emily Dresen. “Hidden Brook not only supports the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance as an industry initiative and insurance to the longevity of the sport, but provides their own in-house retirement program and advocates for second career initiatives, such as the Retired Racehorse Project.” TAA’s Holiday Giving Campaign commenced November 29th and is scheduled to conclude New Year’s Eve. Those wishing to support the TAA, its 81 accredited organizations, and thousands of retired Thoroughbreds can donate through the TAA’s website or text DONATE to 56651. During the Holiday Giving Campaign, TAA is also offering donors the benefit of sending digital holiday cards to colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Throughout the end of the year, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance will continue to host special one-day only donation matches with some of horse racing’s biggest names. For more chances to double your donation, watch the TAA’s social media, website, and industry advertisements for the next Holiday Giving match day announcement. To learn more and donate to the TAA’s Holiday Giving campaign, CLICK HERE.

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Denali Stud Pledges $5K One-Day Match Donation to TAA  Holiday Giving Campaign December 1st
Denali Stud Pledges $5K One-Day Match Donation to TAA Holiday Giving Campaign December 1st

As part of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA)’s month-long Holiday Giving Campaign, Denali Stud has pledged to match all donations up to $5,000 made to the TAA on Dec. 1, 2022. Denali Stud has contributed funds to the TAA since 2013 and continues to be an aftercare ambassador, representing responsible breeding and ownership within the racing industry. “Denali Stud proudly supports the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance,” said Denali Stud Owner, Craig Bandoroff. “TAA does the due diligence of accrediting aftercare farms and distributing grants to help care for the horses. It’s our obligation, not an option, to fund Thoroughbred aftercare. Join Denali Stud and donate to the TAA’s Holiday Giving Campaign today.” “Denali Stud has been a part of the TAA’s journey for nearly a decade, and we are honored to partner with them on our first Holiday Giving match donation day,” said TAA Operations Consultant, Stacie Clark Rogers. “With the promise of a $5,000 match donation from Denali, the TAA has the opportunity to raise $10,000 in a single day, but we need your help.” TAA’s Holiday Giving Campaign commenced November 29th and is scheduled to conclude New Year’s Eve. Those wishing to support the TAA, its 81 accredited organizations, and thousands of retired Thoroughbreds, can donate through the TAA’s website or text DONATE to 56651. During the Holiday Giving Campaign, TAA is also offering donors the benefit of sending digital holiday cards to colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Throughout the end of the year, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance will continue to host special one-day only donation matches with some of horse racing’s biggest names. For more chances to double your donation, watch the TAA’s social media, website, and industry advertisements for the next Holiday Giving match day announcement. To learn more and donate to the TAA’s Holiday Giving campaign, CLICK HERE.  

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TAA Launches Holiday Giving Campaign, Industry Partner Match Days to Follow
TAA Launches Holiday Giving Campaign, Industry Partner Match Days to Follow

The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA) Holiday Giving Campaign kicks off tomorrow, November 29th on Giving Tuesday and runs through December 31, 2022. Those wishing to support accredited Thoroughbred aftercare can visit the TAA’s website to make a donation and send digital holiday cards to colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Throughout the year-end campaign, the TAA will host special one-day only donation matching with some of horse racing’s biggest names, including Denali Stud, West Point Thoroughbreds, Bob and Jill Baffert, and more. Watch for announcements of TAA Holiday Giving match sponsors on the TAA’s social media, website, and industry advertisements. “While we gear up for the holidays, it is my hope that those of us in the Thoroughbred industry consider donating to the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance during its Holiday Giving Campaign,” said TAA President, Jeffrey Bloom. “The horses give us so much, and every donation to the TAA helps support a network of 81 accredited organizations, 180 facilities, and over 4,000 Thoroughbreds. Keep holiday giving simple, donate to the TAA.” “The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance helps alleviate fundraising stress for their accredited organizations and provides much-needed funding to aftercare organizations who are doing the good work caring for the horses,” said TAA Funding and Events Manager, Emily (Dresen) Scandore. “Choose the TAA as your charity of choice during this season of giving where one gift from you helps thousands of off-track Thoroughbreds.” To learn more about the TAA’s Holiday Giving campaign, CLICK HERE.

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Canter for a Cause Raises Over $20,000 for TAA
Canter for a Cause Raises Over $20,000 for TAA

For a record-breaking third year, 300 riders from the Mid-Atlantic region and beyond walked, trotted, and cantered their horses across Pimlico Race Course on October 30th with proceeds to benefit the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA). In total, the 2022 Canter for a Cause raised over $20,000 for the TAA— a nonprofit which provides accreditation and grants to Thoroughbred aftercare organizations dedicated to the retraining, retiring, and rehoming of off-track Thoroughbreds. Sponsored by the Maryland Jockey Club, this annual event offers equestrians the unique opportunity to walk, trot, or canter around the historic Pimlico Race Course, home of the middle jewel of the Triple Crown. Riders also had the opportunity to take their horses through the starting gate and get their picture taken in the winner’s circle. “Canter For a Cause was a huge success last month at Pimlico,” said Maryland Jockey Club Vice President of Racing Development, Georganne Hale. “Everybody who rode around the historic track had a smile on their face, riders loved getting their picture taken in the winner’s circle, and all the proceeds went to an important cause for our industry— the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance.” “We are incredibly grateful to Maryland Jockey Club for including the TAA as its beneficiary since 2019,” said TAA Operations Consultant, Stacie Clark. “From the riders who continue to attend Canter for a Cause year after year, to those that attended for the very first time, it is your participation that raised over $20,000 for the TAA. Thank you and we’ll see you next year.” PHOTO: Catherine Flowers

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TAA Grants $3.6 million to Accredited Organizations
TAA Grants $3.6 million to Accredited Organizations

The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA) announced Nov. 18 that $3.6 million will be awarded as grants to 81 Thoroughbred aftercare organizations that currently hold TAA accreditation. Since inception in 2012, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance has now awarded more than $28.1 million in grants to accredited Thoroughbred aftercare organizations. “As the industry’s leader in aftercare, the TAA is proud of what we have been able to accomplish in the last 10 years and of the collaborative effort of our industry stakeholders to help raise vital funds to assist our organizations,” said TAA President, Jeff Bloom. “Please consider a donation to the TAA this holiday season and beyond as we continue to strive to fund aftercare across North America.” In 10 years as an umbrella organization for aftercare, the TAA has grown from 23 to 81 accredited organizations and from $1 million to $3.6 million in annual grants. In total, TAA has awarded over $28.1 million in grants—earmarked specifically for equine care—to TAA-accredited organizations who have retrained, retired, and rehomed over 15,000 Thoroughbreds across approximately 180 facilities. “Congratulations to the 81 accredited organizations who were awarded grants from the TAA,” said TAA Accreditation and Grants Manager, Janice Towles. “Each aftercare organization accredited by the TAA has proven that they operate with the highest of standards, and while these organizations are busy day in and day out caring for thousands of retired racehorses, they can rest a little easier knowing the TAA is here to provide much-needed funding.” Accredited organizations undergo a thorough application and inspection process prior to accreditation being awarded to ensure they meet the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance’s Code of Standards, which covers five key areas: operations, education, horse health care management, facility standards and services, and adoption policies and protocols. Facility inspections are conducted at all facilities housing Thoroughbreds for each organization. Ongoing updates and re-inspections are required of all organizations as a condition of accreditation. The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance is supported by members from every aspect of the Thoroughbred industry, including owners, breeders, trainers, stallion farms, racetracks, sales companies, horsemen’s groups, foundations, veterinarians, horseplayers, racing fans, wagering technology companies, and many others. FAQ: Click here to see answers to TAA’s frequently asked questions. PHOTO: Mareesa Kelly

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Bennings Designates Thoroughbred Makeover People’s Choice Award Winnings to TAA
Bennings Designates Thoroughbred Makeover People’s Choice Award Winnings to TAA

Prince of New York, piloted by professional trainer Chris Bennings, won the People’s Choice Award, sponsored by Achieve Equine, at the 2022 Thoroughbred Makeover. The achievement comes not only with the recognition of a job well done, but the liberty to choose an equine-related 501(c)3 nonprofit to receive a $2,500 donation sponsored by Achieve Equine. For Bennings–who’s first introduction to retraining off-track Thoroughbreds was with Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance (TAA)-accredited Florida TRAC–choosing the TAA as the beneficiary of the People’s Choice Award was a no-brainer. “My wife Celia and I knew that the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance carefully allocates its grant funds to off-track Thoroughbred nonprofits all over the country, and we are confident that this donation will be the most effective in their hands,” said Bennings. “We are honored to be the recipient of the People’s Choice Award donation,” said TAA Funding and Events Manager, Emily (Dresen) Scandore. “Every dollar counts and we thank Chris and sponsor Achieve Equine for this contribution to the TAA and our 81 accredited organizations.” In the preliminary round of competition at the Makeover, Bennings and Prince of New York dominated in both Show Jumpers and Show Hunters, finishing in the top three out of more than 70 competitors in each discipline. When Bennings called on the six-year-old stallion to again bring the heat in the Finale, Prince of New York answered in spades, proving victorious in Show Jumpers, earning reserve champion in Show Hunters, and being awarded by text-in popular vote the People’s Choice Award. The son of Cairo Prince sold for $100k as a yearling and made all eight career starts for owners Harold Lerner LLC, AWC Stables, Nehoc Stables, Scott Akman, and Paul Braverman. After a final start at Finger Lakes, Prince of New York retired from racing with a record of 2-1-1 and earnings of $40,256. “I’ve always been a Thoroughbred fan and a racing fan,” said Bennings. “Thoroughbreds are incredibly versatile, making them excellent sport horses. Prince has a lot of class and I’m eager to continue his career as a sport horse stallion at our Paris, Kentucky farm– Morning Line Equestrian.”

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Fall Newsletter 2022
Fall Newsletter 2022

The TAA’s Fall Newsletter is here!  What’s Inside: Breeders’ Cup Celebrating 10 Years OTTB Horse Shows Holiday Giving Editorial Features News Success Stories Events Don’t FALL behind, read the latest from the TAA >> PHOTO: Suzie Picou-Oldham

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