Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance Accredited Organizations

Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance Accredited Organizations

Below is a listing of Thoroughbred aftercare organizations accredited by the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance.

For an updated list of 2024-2025 accredited organizations click here.

Following a detailed accreditation process and careful onsite inspection by Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance inspectors, each of these organizations was determined to have met or exceeded Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance requirements in the areas of operations, education, horse care management, facility standards and services, and adoption policies and protocols. These organizations are now eligible to receive financial grants from the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance to support the ongoing care of retired Thoroughbreds.

For more information on Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance accreditation, please click here.

  • Having the accreditation of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance has added to our reputation in the aftercare industry and enabled us to better serve the Thoroughbreds in our care through their financial support.

    Bonnie McRae

    After The Races
  • Our goal is to continue to help the Thoroughbred horses that come to our farm, giving them a second chance through retraining or sanctuary. We applaud the efforts the Thoroughbred industry is taking to support the aftercare of the Thoroughbred horses that have served the industry.

    Jo Anne Miller

    Brook Hill Farm
  • Accreditation by a national organization such as the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance shows the community that we operate with the best interest of our horses and reassures them that their donations are going to a responsible organization. Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance’s assistance allows us to continue our mission of repurposing and rehoming off-the-track Thoroughbreds.

    Jim Rhodes

    Equine Rescue of Aiken
  • The time and effort by all at Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance to better the lives of Thoroughbreds has accomplished so much for the retired and those still on the track. I am so proud to be an accredited member of Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance.

    Ruth Plenty

    Harmony and Hope Horse Haven
  • Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance’s rigorous accreditation process gives legitimacy to reputable aftercare programs. We are honored to partner with Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and thrilled that our industry has stepped up to support aftercare and ensure safe futures for our Thoroughbreds.

    Beverly Strauss

    MidAtlantic Horse Rescue
  • The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance has brought many aftercare organizations together with their creative fundraising, stringent requirements and, most of all, their love for our great athletes. They are directly responsible for Old Friends’ increase in the number of retirees that we care for and, once they get here, the quality of care they receive. We can’t thank them enough.

    Michael Blowen

    Old Friends
  • Having the oversight of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance has allowed us to expand within a dynamically challenging industry with more horses benefiting from our services than ever before. Providing financial support along with national recognition, the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance has been invaluable to the efforts of those helping Thoroughbreds. The Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance is allowing more horses than ever to turn for home.

    Lisa Molloy

  • The support of the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance has allowed Second Stride to increase the number of horses we care for. Through the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance application process, evaluations, and site visits required, our administrative procedures improved with Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance feedback. This process helps ensure the best ongoing care for horses, donors, and adopters.

    Kim Smith

    Second Stride