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Moab’s Journey to the RRP

Moab’s Journey to the RRP

By: Alexis Arbaugh

Moab was donated to The University of Findlay (UF) in the spring of 2023 by Godolphin, one of the world’s leading Thoroughbred breeding and racing operations. Godolphin, also a proud supporter of Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, is profoundly invested in the aftercare of Thoroughbreds. For years, Godolphin has supported UF’s breaking and retraining program by donating horses, highlighting their commitment to Thoroughbred aftercare.

At the start of the fall semester, Ryanne, a junior in the English Equestrian Program, was assigned to work with Moab. In this program, students take full responsibility for a horse’s care and riding each semester. As they progress, students may be assigned multiple horses and are encouraged to break or retrain young horses after their freshman year.

Moab, a 2020 bay gelding by Street Sense out of Skylighter, didn’t race but received some initial under-saddle training before arriving at UF. Ryanne felt relieved that she didn’t have to start from scratch, though retraining an ex-racehorse can still be challenging. Fortunately, this wasn’t Ryanne’s first experience working with a green or unbroken horse. During her sophomore year, she spent time at Findlay’s Western Farm, where she worked alongside students and trainers to break colts.

Ryanne’s passion for horses began at age eight, starting with Hunter/Jumper lessons before progressing to dressage until she was 18. After high school, she enrolled at The University of Findlay and joined the English Equestrian Program, where she trained under the Hunter/Jumper coach. Most recently, Ryanne spent the summer in Wellborn, Florida, working with a variety of horses—broke, green, and unbroke—honing her skills with different levels of training.

When Moab arrived at The University of Findlay, he was given time to settle into his new surroundings. By mid-August, his training with Ryanne began. Despite Moab’s calm demeanor on the ground, they approached the retraining process slowly and carefully. They worked in the detached indoor arena, where young and unbroke horses are started due to its quieter environment. Like all Findlay students, Ryanne began Moab’s training in the round pen to maintain better control. She started with lunging and eventually taught him how to line drive. Understanding the importance of forward motion in horse training, Ryanne focused on ensuring that Moab moved forward and responded to her aids, knowing that this would lay the foundation for further success.

When Ryanne felt that Moab was ready to be ridden, she mounted him for the first time. Mounting can be tricky if the horse hasn’t been properly handled beforehand. To keep him calm, she had a classmate hold him while she mounted, helping Moab stay relaxed. Teaching him to stand still after mounting took time, but with patience, Moab eventually learned to wait for Ryanne’s cue to walk off. Now, mounting is easy and doesn’t faze either of them.

After mounting, Ryanne’s priority was establishing forward movement and straightness. Encouraging forward motion helps the horse focus on “thinking forward” and paying attention to the rider’s aids. Straightness improves the horse’s balance and body awareness, helping them understand where all four legs are in relation to each other. These foundational elements are crucial for Moab’s training and overall responsiveness to Ryanne’s cues.

While Moab’s under-saddle training progressed, Ryanne also focused on refining his ground manners. She introduced him to clippers and mane pulling, both of which he tolerated well, standing calmly during grooming sessions. They also worked on trailer loading, which he handled without any issues, further proving himself to be an all-around easy-going horse.

Moab did have one quirky habit—he loved to put everything in his mouth. From blankets to Ryanne’s clothes, if it was within reach, Moab would try to chew on it. Like many young horses, this behavior stemmed from curiosity, as licking and chewing help them explore their surroundings. However, if left unchecked, it could lead to unwanted biting or nipping. Gradually, Moab began to learn that chewing on toys and treats was acceptable, but clothes—his or Ryanne’s—were off-limits.

After achieving straightness, Ryanne focused on more advanced training, including teaching Moab to respond to bit pressure and use his body more efficiently. Moab excelled in these challenges, eagerly responding to Ryanne’s cues. Before long, he became strong enough to lift his back while being ridden and carry himself properly. He learned to bend and flex without losing balance, though it was more challenging for him at the trot and canter than at the walk. By taking things slow and steady, Moab was able to learn correctly, always showing a desire to do the right thing.

At this stage, Ryanne recognized that Moab needed more mental stimulation. She decided to introduce ground poles as the next challenge in their preparation for the Retired Racehorse Project. Walking, trotting, and cantering over the poles didn’t bother Moab at all, so Ryanne began teaching him how to jump. Moab seemed to enjoy it, treating it like a fun game, so she continued raising the jumps and challenging him with more complex exercises and combinations. With the Retired Racehorse Project approaching, they worked diligently on lateral movements for the dressage test and perfected their 2’6″ fences for the show Hunter courses.

Ryanne soon knew that Moab was ready to compete in The Retired Racehorse Project because his response time under saddle became quick and dependable. “There was no longer a conversation—I’d ask, and he’d respond with ‘yes ma’am,’” Ryanne wrote. Another sign of his readiness came when one of her classmates rode him, and Moab performed just as well for her as he did for Ryanne. It was clear that all the pieces of their training were falling into place, and Moab was fully prepared for the show.

Competing at The Retired Racehorse Project in Lexington, Kentucky, was a big deal, but Moab treated it like just another day. He confidently stepped into each ring on schooling day and entered his show rings without a care. Ryanne and Moab competed in Dressage and Show Hunters, finishing 8th in Dressage and 5th as a team in Show Hunters. Ryanne couldn’t have been prouder of Moab’s progress in such a short time and is excited about his bright future and career ahead.

In the months following The Retired Racehorse Project, Moab focused on unwinding and rejuvenating. He’s now assigned to a sophomore in the program for the spring semester and is enjoying the chance to learn from a new trainer. Moab still enjoys playing in the field and indulging in his daily afternoon naps.

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