Trail Riding
All Posts & News Press Releases Success Stories Aftercare Editorials Retraining Tips Supporter Features Inspector Spotlights Hamburger Toggle Menu Previous Post Tack Wise’s Rise Tack Wise’s Rise By: Alexis Arbaugh February 24, 2025 Success Stories Tags:accredited aftercare, Barrel Racing, CANTER Michigan, Pole Bending, Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, Trail Riding A few months after the 2022 Hillsdale County Fair in Hillsdale, Michigan, Riley Clark began her search for a new horse. Her previous CANTER Michigan adoptee, Grander Plan (now known as Prince), had been a great fit, but Riley was looking for a younger Thoroughbred to retrain so she could eventually retire her competition mare. She also wanted to free up Prince to be primarily her dad’s horse. Riley started her search at CANTER Michigan, where several horses caught her eye. However, it was a young mare named Tack Wise who truly captured her heart. After riding “Tacky” at the CANTER Michigan facility, Riley knew she had to bring the four-year-old home. Despite Tacky not being fully broke to the canter yet, her potential was undeniable, and Riley felt she was the right fit for her. So, Riley made plans to bring Tacky home. Riley welcomed Tacky to her farm at the end of January 2023 and immediately began working with her daily. Although Tacky was “very willing to learn,” retraining her proved to be a challenge as she wasn’t fully broke to ride. However, Tacky’s intelligence and good nature helped her pick up the training quickly, and she always tried hard to do what Riley asked. During their retraining process, Riley took Tacky on various adventures, including trail rides in Hocking Hills, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, and Drummond Island. “She did amazing and acted as if she had been on trails her whole life,” Riley remarked. Tacky also participated in 4-H group rides and started competing in local horse shows. Although Riley knew Tacky wasn’t quite ready to be competitive, she took her to the Hillsdale Fair to gain show experience. To Riley’s delight, Tacky consistently placed in every class she entered. Back at home, Riley continued to work with Tacky on perfecting their speed patterns. Riley’s goal for Tacky is to take her to her second Hillsdale County Fair, where she aims to compete in the barrels and poles speed classes. — If you’re interested in Riley’s journey with Grander Plan, read their story here! Share This Article Do you have a success story that you would like to share? Submit your experience with an accredited organization here: Success Story Submission
Read More >All Posts & News Press Releases Success Stories Aftercare Editorials Supporter Features Inspector Spotlights Previous Post overcoming the odds Overcoming the Odds By: Alexis Arbaugh April 12, 2024 Aftercare Editorials Tags:dressage, Eventing, Hope After Racing Thoroughbreds, Rodeo, Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, Trail Riding When Tara Webster made the decision to retire her older gelding, she began to ponder her next horse. Ready to explore adoption prospects, she turned to her friend at Hope After Racing Thoroughbreds (HART), Amanda Wilson, who was eager to introduce Tara to the horse Seven Thirty. Soon after concluding the conversation with Amanda, Tara traveled to HART to meet the exciting new prospect. “Seven Thirty was a tall, bay gelding and just stunning,” wrote Tara. Tara was utterly mesmerized as she watched him work, and in that moment, she knew without a doubt that Seven had to be hers. She was quick to fill out the adoption application. Hope After Racing Thoroughbreds reviewed and approved the application, which allowed Tara to adopt her new equine companion. Besides observing Seven’s work at HART, Tara was drawn to his sweet personality. “He is always down for a snuggle, hug, kiss, or a treat.” Seven was gorgeous with big eyes and long legs. Tara could sense his gentle spirit and willingness to learn through his eyes. As she was searching for a Thoroughbred to train as a jumper, Seven seemed to fit the bill perfectly. Tara adopted Seven on December 3, 2021, when he was only three years old. Once she brought him home, she began daily training sessions. “I cannot say enough good things about him and his willingness to learn,” Tara shared. Seven seemed fearless, showing a natural aptitude for retraining, including jumping. About four months later, the pair was ready to compete in their first show in March of 2022. It proved to be a fantastic first show experience, as they placed in all of their dressage and show jumping classes. “I was just so impressed [with Seven],” Tara wrote. Ever since that first horse show, they have been quite active at other events, including a HART show, many dressage tests, trail rides, a parade, a rodeo, and even moving cows. Seven is a very versatile horse, and “no matter what the scenario is he quite quickly gets comfortable as we work towards the goal,” explained Tara. Unfortunately, in March of 2023, Seven was diagnosed with kissing spine. Kissing spine is a condition in horses where the vertebrae in the spine migrate closer and closer together until they touch or overlap. This can cause mild, consistent back pain in the horse. Most treatments include making the horse comfortable with pain medications or easy work. Seven spent the rest of the spring and all summer relaxing with his friends in the field and receiving “regular spa” days with Tara. His back needed time to decompress before he could be approved for surgery. Seven had his surgery in September 2023, and in the following months after his surgery he spent time rehabilitating. Tara’s veterinarians are positive that Seven will make a full recovery back to riding. In the meantime, they work diligently on their hand walks and groundwork. Once Tara and Seven start their training again, their biggest goal is to compete in a recognized event. “He is such a good partner to work with that I think this goal is easily achievable,” explained Tara. Another one of Tara’s dreams is to be able to compete in a roping class at a ranch show. “I have no doubt that we can do anything we put our minds to,” said Tara. Tara and Seven have a bright future ahead of them thanks to Hope After Racing Thoroughbreds. “HART is an amazing organization and I’m so happy they were able to pair me with my boy!” Share This Article Do you have a success story that you would like to share? Submit your experience with an accredited organization here: Success Story Submission
Read More >All Posts & News Press Releases Success Stories Aftercare Editorials Supporter Features Inspector Spotlights Previous Post Here comes sharyn Here Comes Sharyn By: Alexis Arbaugh April 3, 2024 Success Stories Tags:Circle A Home For Horses, Success story, Thoroughbred Aftercare, Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, Trail Riding Heather Mathias was drawn to Circle A Home for Horses in Virginia Beach, Virgina, by her passion for her horses where she sought an interview for a position on the farm. On the day of her interview, she encountered a delightful surprise. Inside one of the stalls stood a bay gelding named Here Comes Sharyn. As she approached his stall, he greeted her warmly by gently pressing his forehead against hers. After an amazing interview, Heather was offered the job at Circle A Home for Horses. From then on, every morning, Here Comes Sharyn faithfully awaited Heather’s arrival in his stall. It appeared that both couldn’t commence their day without exchanging the same affectionate greeting they shared on the day of Heather’s interview. With such genuine affection from such a sweet and kind horse, Heather couldn’t help but fall in love. Here Comes Sharyn’s eyes light up with admiration and love whenever he sees or hears Heather, a look reserved solely for her. As months passed, Heather and Here Comes Sharyn grew increasingly close. Heather found herself wanting to bring him home with her. Heather approached Alicia Mahar, the Founder and Executive Director of Circle A Home for Horses, to inquire about the adoption process. After gaining clarity on the procedures involved in adopting from Circle A, Heather made the decision to proceed with adopting Here Comes Sharyn. All Heather wanted was to be “his special person to love [and] care for him the way he deserves.” In the fall of 2023, Heather finally brought Here Comes Sharyn home. Since the day Heather met Here Comes Sharyn, she noticed he was an avid cribber. Therefore, the first thing Heather wanted to address when she brought him home was his cribbing habit. Cribbing is a behavior observed in horses where they grasp onto an object with their front teeth, contract their neck muscles, and pull back, often swallowing air in the process. While there are no definitive answers on why horses crib, most veterinarians assume that boredom and stress are the main causes. Heather ordered him a brand-new cribbing collar and began to work to find the cause of his cribbing. She dedicated hours observing Here Comes Sharyn’s behaviors both in his stall and out in the field. Through this process of spending extensive time together, their bond deepened significantly as they grew to understand each other beyond their time at Circle A Home for Horses. Currently, Heather is focused on helping Here Comes Sharyn rebuild muscle. She approached their training sessions with patience. Having been through so much in his life, she allows him to progress at his own pace. She feels that teaching him how to relax and to “just be a horse” is more important than a rigorous retraining schedule. With no pressure for competitions on their agenda, they opt for a slow and gentle approach, focusing on their bond and his well-being above all else. Despite their laid-back schedule, Heather and Here Comes Sharyn continue to accomplish new goals every week and she is proud of the information that he retains from one ride to the next. Confidence, trust in each other, and under saddle work are crucial to reaching their long-term goals. Eventually Heather would love it if Here Comes Sharyn wanted to ride the trails and explore with her. She has all the faith in the world that they will make that goal a reality one day, but for now they are content to keep” building up our bond and love for each other. Share This Article Do you have a success story that you would like to share? Submit your experience with an accredited organization here: Success Story Submission
Read More >All Posts & News Press Releases Success Stories Aftercare Editorials Supporter Features Inspector Spotlights Previous Post Scouted: A New Beginning Scouted: A New Beginning By: Alexis Arbaugh March 28, 2024 Success Stories Tags:dressage, Success story, Thoroughbred Aftercare, Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, Trail Riding, Win Place Home As Olivia Holland searched for the perfect horse, she discovered Win Place Home, a Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance accredited organization in Canyon County, California. This organization offers former racehorses a supportive environment during their transition from racing to a new career. To aid in this transition, Win Place Home employs Elisabeth Hower, a certified Monty Roberts instructor. The training program developed by Monty Roberts educates individuals in the principles of natural horsemanship, focusing on both students and horses. Through these lessons, participants gain insights into horse behavior and its impact on their bond with the animal. The curriculum covers fundamental concepts such as pressure and release, leadership abilities, setting boundaries, ensuring safety, desensitization, and more, all aimed at fostering a collaborative partnership between owner and horse. Olivia attended several Monty Roberts sessions with Elisabeth, and after evaluating various Thoroughbreds, she ultimately found her perfect match. Originally registered as Scouted, he was soon renamed BoJack. Among all the horses Olivia considered, BoJack stood out. “Bojack’s calm and gentle nature is what stuck out the most,” Olivia said. “Out of all of the horses I got to try at Monty Roberts he felt the calmest and most reliable”. After experiencing BoJack’s serene demeanor and unwavering reliability, Olivia made the decision to adopt him, eager to embark on their journey together. BoJack has adjusted seamlessly to life at Olivia’s home. He now happily shares a spacious pasture with a friend. They can be seen chasing each other around during the day and napping together at night. However, BoJack’s greatest joy lies in the simple pleasure of being groomed, where he thoroughly enjoys the sensation of being scratched, petted, and showered with affection. Presently, Olivia and BoJack are diligently focused on their retraining regimen, beginning with groundwork to cultivate a positive relationship between the pair. Together they work on Dressage and building confidence through trail rides. They are also working on getting BoJack into shape and teaching him how to effectively engage and utilize his hind end. “Although the training process hasn’t been easy, it has been fun,” wrote Olivia. “Ground work has been key to creating a positive relationship”. Olivia remains hopeful that as his confidence continues to grow, that they will soon be able to go on extended trail rides. Their transition from trail walks to Dressage work has been very smooth. Olivia has hopes to take BoJack to some schooling shows in the future. Olivia’s dedication to BoJack is unwavering, ensuring he receives excellent care and a fulfilling life. “I am very grateful to own Bojack and I am excited for our future,” Olivia shared. BoJack’s steady improvements in their training and positive influence on Olivia’s confidence and riding abilities have her eagerly anticipating their future adventures. Share This Article Do you have a success story that you would like to share? Submit your experience with an accredited organization here: Success Story Submission
Read More >All Posts & News Press Releases Success Stories Aftercare Editorials Supporter Features Inspector Spotlights Previous Post Badge of Trust Badge of Trust By: Alexis Arbaugh March 12, 2024 Success Stories Tags:ACTT Naturally, Success story, Thoroughbred Aftercare, Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance, Trail Riding Susan Samascott found African Badge through a friend who originally considered him as a potential candidate for a student within her training program. Unfortunately, the friend’s student was intimidated by African Badge’s substantial size and chose not to proceed with the adoption. Still impressed with the unraced handsome bay Thoroughbred as a riding prospect, the friend contact Susan hoping that African Badge might be a good match for her instead. Susan scheduled an appointment with ACTT Naturally, hopped into her car, and journeyed to Greenwich, New York. In no time, she found herself completely smitten with African Badge, now known as Cairo. Cairo had experienced two previous adoptions before Susan, both resulting in his return to the adoption center. This was not the fault of the horse; the most recent return was due to the unfortunate unexpected passing of the previous owner. After hearing his story and spending some quality time with him, Susan was certain that Cairo belonged with her. At the time, Susan had found herself in a challenging spot with riding due to some accidents involving her previous horse. “He needed a forever home, and I needed a horse to help me get over a fear of riding,” Susan explained. “It just felt right.” The connection between them felt undeniable—it was as if they were meant to find each other. Susan has enjoyed owning Cairo for about a year now and cherishes their partnership. He has played a significant role in helping her overcome her fear of riding, while she, in turn, has assisted him in refining his retraining after coming off the track. Together, they’ve formed a strong bond and have made remarkable progress. Their journey has been further enriched with the guidance of a dedicated trainer who has been pivotal in their growth and fostering trust between the pair. Cairo has proven to be the trail horse Susan had always envisioned. His steadfastness and reliability make him the perfect companion for their trail adventures. Every day, Susan is filled with gratitude for Cairo’s timely entrance into her life. Before meeting Cairo, Susan had endured a series of unfortunate experiences with horses and was on the brink of giving up riding altogether. Sometimes, a single extraordinary horse has the power to completely transform one’s perspective on riding. As Susan pondered her riding future, Cairo emerged as the solution. Despite carrying their respective traumas, they found solace and healing together, their journey becoming a source of peace as they worked in harmony. Share This Article Do you have a success story that you would like to share? Submit your experience with an accredited organization here: Success Story Submission
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